
This will add an annotated git tag to the current branch

This will automatically tag your build with the following format: <grouping>/<lane>/<prefix><build_number><postfix>, where:

  • grouping is just to keep your tags organised under one 'folder', defaults to 'builds'
  • lane is the name of the current fastlane lane, if chosen to be included via 'includes_lane' option, which defaults to 'true'
  • prefix is anything you want to stick in front of the version number, e.g. 'v'
  • postfix is anything you want to stick at the end of the version number, e.g. '-RC1'
  • build_number is the build number, which defaults to the value emitted by the increment_build_number action

For example, for build 1234 in the 'appstore' lane, it will tag the commit with builds/appstore/1234.

Supported platforms ios, android, mac
Author @lmirosevic, @maschall

3 Examples

add_git_tag # simple tag with default values
  grouping: "fastlane-builds",
  includes_lane: true,
  prefix: "v",
  postfix: "-RC1",
  build_number: 123
# Alternatively, you can specify your own tag. Note that if you do specify a tag, all other arguments are ignored.
  tag: "my_custom_tag"


Key Description Default
tag Define your own tag text. This will replace all other parameters
grouping Is used to keep your tags organised under one 'folder' builds
includes_lane Whether the current lane should be included in the tag and message composition, e.g. '//' true
prefix Anything you want to put in front of the version number (e.g. 'v') ''
postfix Anything you want to put at the end of the version number (e.g. '-RC1') ''
build_number The build number. Defaults to the result of increment_build_number if you're using it *
message The tag message. Defaults to the tag's name *
commit The commit or object where the tag will be set. Defaults to the current HEAD *
force Force adding the tag false
sign Make a GPG-signed tag, using the default e-mail address's key false

* = default value is dependent on the user's system


To show the documentation in your terminal, run

fastlane action add_git_tag


It is recommended to add the above action into your Fastfile, however sometimes you might want to run one-offs. To do so, you can run the following command from your terminal

fastlane run add_git_tag

To pass parameters, make use of the : symbol, for example

fastlane run add_git_tag parameter1:"value1" parameter2:"value2"

It's important to note that the CLI supports primitive types like integers, floats, booleans, and strings. Arrays can be passed as a comma delimited string (e.g. param:"1,2,3"). Hashes are not currently supported.

It is recommended to add all fastlane actions you use to your Fastfile.

Source code

This action, just like the rest of fastlane, is fully open source, view the source code on GitHub

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