Use slather to generate a code coverage report
Slather works with multiple code coverage formats, including Xcode 7 code coverage.
Slather is available at
slather | |
Supported platforms | ios, mac |
Author | @mattdelves |
1 Example
build_directory: "foo",
input_format: "bah",
scheme: "MyScheme",
proj: "MyProject.xcodeproj"
Key | Description | Default |
build_directory |
The location of the build output | |
proj |
The project file that slather looks at | |
workspace |
The workspace that slather looks at | |
scheme |
Scheme to use when calling slather | |
configuration |
Configuration to use when calling slather (since slather-2.4.1) | |
input_format |
The input format that slather should look for | |
github |
Tell slather that it is running on GitHub Actions | |
buildkite |
Tell slather that it is running on Buildkite | |
teamcity |
Tell slather that it is running on TeamCity | |
jenkins |
Tell slather that it is running on Jenkins | |
travis |
Tell slather that it is running on TravisCI | |
travis_pro |
Tell slather that it is running on TravisCI Pro | |
circleci |
Tell slather that it is running on CircleCI | |
coveralls |
Tell slather that it should post data to Coveralls | |
simple_output |
Tell slather that it should output results to the terminal | |
gutter_json |
Tell slather that it should output results as Gutter JSON format | |
cobertura_xml |
Tell slather that it should output results as Cobertura XML format | |
sonarqube_xml |
Tell slather that it should output results as SonarQube Generic XML format | |
llvm_cov |
Tell slather that it should output results as llvm-cov show format | |
json |
Tell slather that it should output results as static JSON report | |
html |
Tell slather that it should output results as static HTML pages | |
show |
Tell slather that it should open static html pages automatically | false |
source_directory |
Tell slather the location of your source files | |
output_directory |
Tell slather the location of for your output files | |
ignore |
Tell slather to ignore files matching a path or any path from an array of paths | |
verbose |
Tell slather to enable verbose mode | |
use_bundle_exec |
Use bundle exec to execute slather. Make sure it is in the Gemfile | false |
binary_basename |
Basename of the binary file, this should match the name of your bundle excluding its extension (i.e. YourApp [for bundle]) | |
binary_file |
Binary file name to be used for code coverage | |
arch |
Specify which architecture the binary file is in. Needed for universal binaries | |
source_files |
A Dir.glob compatible pattern used to limit the lookup to specific source files. Ignored in gcov mode | false |
decimals |
The amount of decimals to use for % coverage reporting | false |
ymlfile |
Relative path to a file used in place of '.slather.yml' |
* = default value is dependent on the user's system
To show the documentation in your terminal, run
fastlane action slather
It is recommended to add the above action into your Fastfile
, however sometimes you might want to run one-offs. To do so, you can run the following command from your terminal
fastlane run slather
To pass parameters, make use of the :
symbol, for example
fastlane run slather parameter1:"value1" parameter2:"value2"
It's important to note that the CLI supports primitive types like integers, floats, booleans, and strings. Arrays can be passed as a comma delimited string (e.g. param:"1,2,3"
). Hashes are not currently supported.
It is recommended to add all fastlane actions you use to your Fastfile
Source code
This action, just like the rest of fastlane, is fully open source, view the source code on GitHub