Common code signing issues

Xcode errors

Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: No provisioning profiles with a valid signing identity (i.e. certificate and private key pair) matching the bundle identifier "X" were found.

The provisioning profile for the given app identifier "X" is not available on the local machine. Make sure you have a valid provisioning profile for the correct distribution type (App Store, Development or Ad Hoc) on the Apple Developer Portal, download and install it, and select the profile in the Xcode settings (See Setting up your Xcode Project).

You might have the provisioning profile installed locally, but miss the private key or certificate for it.

No matching codesigning identity found: No codesigning identities (i.e. certificate and private key pairs) matching "iPhone Distribution: X" were found

The code signing identity you specified in the Xcode project can't be found in your local keychain. Make sure to transfer the certificate and private key from another Mac (or wherever you store the private key), or to update the project file to use the correct code signing identity.

Error Domain=IDEDistributionErrorDomain Code=1 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (IDEDistributionErrorDomain error 1.)"

This error can have a lot of reasons, some things you should try:

  • Verify your Keychain is valid and you don't have an expired WWDR certificate using this guide
  • Verify both your certificate and provisioning profile are valid in both your Keychain and on the Apple Developer Portal (Check out Debugging codesigning issues for more information)
  • Follow the other steps of Debugging codesigning issues

Provisioning profile does not match bundle identifier: The provisioning profile specified in your build settings ("X") has an AppID of "Y" which does not match your bundle identifier "Z"

Your project defines a provisioning profile that doesn't match the bundle identifier of your app. There is mismatch between the bundle identifiers, this might happen if you specify the wrong provisioning profile in your target.

Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID "X", however, no such provisioning profile was found.

Your project defines a provisioning profile which doesn't exist on your local machine. Check out Setting up your Xcode Project for more information how to properly specify a provisioning profile to avoid hard coded UUIDs in your project.

CodeSign Error: code signing is required for product type 'Application'...

Make sure to have a valid code signing identity defined in your project targets. This might happen when you select Don't Code Sign as Code Signing Identity.

fastlane errors

User interaction is not allowed. Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

Make sure that codesign can access your signing private key. Open Keychain Access. Select your signing private key, right-click, choose Get Info, change to the Access Control tab and select the "Allow all applications to access this item".

Could not find a matching code signing identity for type 'X'

There are no certificates available on the Apple Developer Portal. This could either mean someone revoked a certificate, or you don't have access to it.

Debugging steps for "No applicable devices found." error

It's not immediately obvious what this error is or what it's caused by, so hopefully these simple steps will help you find the root cause faster.

Not just fastlane

This error happens to all projects built with xcodebuild / xcrun, so it's likely not caused by fastlane. fastlane might help alleviate it with some env var unsetting / setting or other tricks, but this is an error from the new export APIs that Xcode uses.

Legacy export API

As of Xcode 8.3, the deprecated / legacy export api (e.g. use_legacy_build_api) is removed, so you have to use the latest Xcode export API, which unfortunately still has some issues.

Misleading errors

The error message, "No applicable devices found.", is actually misleading: it's not the real error. Something else is erroring out at a lower level so you'll need to dig in to find out what.

The archive built successfully, but the export step failed

Typically, your archive will build nicely, and with the correct provisioning profile; you can inspect the .xcarchive package to verify the embedded.mobileprovision file matches.

What happens is the export step will possibly sign it with a different profile depending on which export_method you're choosing (with development being the default) and it is during this step that the process will fail.

This allows you to isolate the error to the export step, under most circumstances.

Dependency on other gems

The export step sometimes fails due to not having these Ruby gems installed and caused many of the old instances of this problem.

You can use $ gem list to show which gems are installed

Ruby version

Many of the old instances of this problem were caused by not using system Ruby, but this likely won't impact many in the future since fastlane helps ensure your environment is set up properly now.

Using RVM or newer versions of Ruby should work fine. If you have RVM installed and want to try reverting back to system Ruby just in case, you can set and check this using:

$ rvm use system
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.0.0p648 (2015-12-16 revision 53162) [universal.x86_64-darwin16]
$ which ruby

Check the Logs

In many issues that were seen on the fastlane repo and across the web, this error was given during the bundling process. Luckily, that bundler creates a log file that you can access to see what error actually happened:

2017-03-30 21:47:09.855 xcodebuild[78957:9114437] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionLogging _createLoggingBundleAtPath:]: Created bundle at path '/var/folders/s1/0h7d0scx6xqdthft328yfk0m0000gn/T/MyApp-Internal_2017-03-30_21-47-09.854.xcdistributionlogs'.
2017-03-30 21:47:14.702 xcodebuild[78957:9114437] [MT] IDEDistribution: Step failed: <IDEDistributionThinningStep: 0x7fc3218d0b60>: Error Domain=IDEDistributionErrorDomain Code=14 "No applicable devices found." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No applicable devices found.}
error: exportArchive: No applicable devices found.

If you look closely, you'll see the misleading error message and then just above it, there's a path to a log file (*.xcdistributionlogs). Opening that up, you'll see more detail. (Side note: you can also search for all logs via $ sudo find /private/var -name "*.xcdistributionlogs")

In this case, it was because the export was built without bitcode, but there were static lib frameworks that were built with bitcode:

# inside IDEDistribution.standard.log within the .xcdistributionlogs file
2017-03-31 16:49:06 +0000  Validating IPA structure...
2017-03-31 16:49:06 +0000  error: Failed to verify bitcode in opus.framework/opus:
error: Bundle only contains bitcode-marker /var/folders/s1/0h7d0scx6xqdthft328yfk0m0000gn/T/IDEDistributionThinningStep.KRt/Payload/ (armv7)

When that framework was rebuilt without bitcode, it worked like a charm! 😅

Run commands yourself

gym does a great job of showing which commands it's going to run. Inspect the files it generates and run these commands yourself, as many times as you need to, in order to isolate the problems.

For example, here's the export command that gym shows:

/usr/bin/xcrun /Users/rob/.fastlane/bin/bundle/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/fastlane-2.24.0/gym/lib/assets/wrap_xcodebuild/ -exportArchive -exportOptionsPlist '/var/folders/s1/0h7d0scx6xqdthft328yfk0m0000gn/T/gym_config20170330-65021-1xbw0ov.plist' -archivePath /Users/rob/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2017-03-30/MyApp\ 2017-03-30\ 21.12.02.xcarchive -exportPath '/var/folders/s1/0h7d0scx6xqdthft328yfk0m0000gn/T/gym_output20170330-65021-u80ojn'

From that, you can see which exportOptionsPlist it's using, which had this in it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

And you can see which .xcarchive it's using to check if it built that with the correct provisioning profile.

Most importantly, you can keep running that entire command until you figure out why it's breaking (e.g. try installing these gems, try using system Ruby).

Other Causes

Keep in mind, this list could be infinite since this No applicable devices found error just manifests itself from underlying errors. Your best bet is to dig into the logs and see which error is actually being thrown.

  • Using the wrong export_method or some other error in the generated exportPlist (e.g. using enterprise method when you're actually building for the app store and don't have the proper certificates)
  • Root Apple WWDR certificate had expired; check the Keychain for expired certificates
  • Env vars not being unset, relevant PR
  • Including bitcode sometimes caused it (can use include_bitcode: false) in your gym command and check if all frameworks match your bitcode requirements
  • Provisioning profiles not matching capabilities and beta-reports-active flag on .entitlements file.
  • Not having the gems (CFPropertyList etc) we discussed earlier installed

Apple Tech Notes

If all else fails, use these tech notes to troubleshoot app thinning and bitcode:


Feel free to duplicate the radar so the export APIs will return an accurate error message